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General prices

Taxes included

Admission générale • General admission
Âge d'or | 65 ans et plus • Senior | 65 and over
Étudiants • Students | 17 et +, avec preuve étudiante • 17 and over, with student ID
Enfant | 16 ans et moins • Children | 16 and under
Jeune enfant | 2 ans et moins • 2 years and under
Gratuit • Free
Dernier jour • Last day
Spécial du mardi • Tuesday special

Our ciné-cartes

Do you know about our ciné-cartes? Made for movie buffs, the ciné-cartes offer an unbeatable discount on the price of tickets! All the ciné-cartes are valid at Cinéma Beaubien, Cinéma du Parc, and Cinéma du Musée.

Get yours online or at the ticket booth of our cinemas.

**Please note that movie cards and gift cards purchased online are virtual. It is not possible to exchange a virtual card for a physical one. To obtain a physical card, please purchase it on site. Thank you for your understanding. **

Création sans titre (7).png
65+ years old

Tuesday promo

Création sans titre (9).png

All films in our regular programming are only $8 on Tuesdays! And to complete the experience, our small combo — a small popcorn and a small drink — is just $4! 

Group rates

25 persons and more

71 persons and more

15% disount

25% discount

To make a reservation, pleasecocommunicate with us.

Corporate rates

 Applicable to the cinema box-office only


Salle Bourgie

Musée McCord

Usine C

Théâtre aux écuries

Théâte 4 'sous


Opéra de Montréal

Orchestre Métropolitain

Subscribers and employees of the institutions listed below are entitled to a 15% discount on regular tickets.

 Proof is required at the box office.


2-for-1 offer every Sunday and Monday evening, after 6 p.m., on regularly scheduled films. On presentation of your BIXI key or BIXI application page with the BIXI Friends section active. 

Acces Montreal Card

Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television (ACCT)

15% discount on regular admission price for a movie ticket. Applies every day, on regular programming.

Unless otherwise indicated, this card offers a free regular movie ticket for media inquiries.

A free movie admission for Canadian features. Special $7 price for all the other films. Provides a free admission for Academy Award nominated features*. One ticket per member per screening.
*Valid only BEFORE the Oscars®

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